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China's response to the Asian financial crisis

A rare financial crisis hit Asia in summer of 1997. The currencies and stock values of most economies plummeted by 30-40 percent, and their banks and businesses were threatened with collapse. The crisis spread and worsened by 1998, and even affected Russia and Latin America, triggering big fluctuations in global exchanges and stock markets and resulting in political turmoil in some countries.

Thanks to its relatively prudent financial policies and the preventive measures it took, China did not suffer a direct impact from the crisis, but maintained stability in its economy and finances. The Chinese government took a series of pro-active policies in response to the crisis, and this demonstrated its sense of responsibility.

First, China actively joined the IMF assistance program, and within its framework and through bilateral channels provided over US billion worth of assistance to Thailand and other countries, and export credit and urgent and free medicine provision to Indonesia and other countries.

Second, to maintain regional stability and promote Asian development, the Chinese government took a responsible attitude and decided not to let the Renminbi depreciate. This was a hard decision made under huge pressure and came at a high cost to China. It was vital to the financial stability and economic development of Asia and the whole world.

Third, in addition to not depreciating its own currency, the Chinese government adopted measures to expand domestic demand and stimulate economic growth, which ensured a healthy and steady economic growth, and helped relieve tension in Asia and enable an economic recovery.

Fourth, China worked with the parties concerned and joined and promoted regional and international financial cooperation, and put forward proposals at the Sixth APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, ASEAN and China, Japan and ROK (10+3), ASEAN-China Summit and other multilateral events.


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