21世纪以来,中共中央持续加大对农村的扶持力度,坚持把农业、农村、农民问题作为党工作的重中之重。从2003年起,连续15年中央一号文件均聚焦于农业、农村、农民(即“三农”)问题。党的十七大和十八大也分别提出城乡统筹和城乡一体化的发展思路,对于推动农村发展、增加农民收入起到重要作用。同时,我国最大的发展不平衡,仍然是城乡发展不平衡; 最大发展的不充分,仍然是农村发展的不充分。党的十九大报告首次提出实施乡村振兴战略的新发展理念,并将其确定为决胜全面建成小康社会需要坚定实施的七大战略之一。
Strategy for rural revitalization
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the Party Central Committee has continued to step up its support for rural communities. Issues concerning agriculture, rural development and the wellbeing of farmers now top the agenda of the Party. In the past 15 years since 2003, the first document issued by the central authority during each calendar year had always a rural focus. Plans for integrated urban-rural development were proposed in the reports to the 17th and 18th CPC National Congresses, providing an important boost to agricultural development and farmers’ income.
Meanwhile, the urban-rural imbalance remains the most serious imbalance, and rural development remains the most serious development challenge. A rural revitalization strategy was thus unveiled for the first time in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress as one of the seven strategies for reaching the goal of building a moderately prosperous society.
The strategy emphasizes the importance of rural development, including the need to develop rural businesses, create a pleasant living environment, promote civility and effective governance, and improve the living standards of rural residents. To this end, enabling mechanisms and policies are needed to promote integrated urban-rural development, and speed up rural modernization. The key to rural revitalization is developing rural businesses.
The strategy calls for in-depth rural reform to improve the basic rural economic structure. Especially important is rural land tenure reform aimed at separating ownership rights, contract rights, and the right to use contracted rural land. Rural land contracting practices will remain unchanged; and existing contracts will be extended for another 30 years upon expiration. Reform of the rural collective ownership system will proceed to safeguard property rights of rural residents, and strengthen the collective economy.
It is crucial to always have control over our own food supply so as to ensure China’s food security. We will establish or improve mechanisms that encourage the development of modern rural businesses, promote agricultural production and best management practices, and provide support and protection for agriculture. It is also important to encourage the development of various types of economies of scale, modernize the rural structure, improve specialized agricultural services, and better align smallholder farming and the development of modern agriculture.
Rural revitalization would not materialize without the support of science and technology or without effective talent management. Integrated development of industry, agriculture and the service sector is essential in rural areas. We will support and encourage employment creation and entrepreneurship, and promote and encourage more income generating activities. It is important to strengthen basic services in rural communities, and enhance rural governance by improving self-governance mechanisms and promoting the rule of law and ethical standards. It is also important to build a team of rural development professionals well versed in agricultural science and having an affinity with rural areas and the people there.
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