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时 间:2019-09-04 10:18:27   杭州中译翻译有限公司·杭州滨江翻译公司·专业翻译机构

胃肠胰外科 Department of Gastroenterologic & Pancreatic Surgery

血管甲状腺科  Department of Vascular & Thyroid Surgery

肝胆外科 Department of Hepatic & Billiary Surgery

器官移植科 Department of Organ Transplant

肛门病外科 Department of Anal Sugery

消化内科 Department of Digestive Medicine

骨科 Department of Orthopedics

整形外科 Department of Plastic Surgery

烧伤科 Department of Burns

肿瘤内科 Department of Medical Oncology

肿瘤外科 Department of Surgical Oncology

乳腺外科 Department Brest Surgery

止痛门诊 Pain Clinic

介入门诊 Interventional Clinic

眼科 Department of Ophthalmology

中医科Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

耳鼻咽喉门诊 Department of Otorhinolaryngology

精神医学科 Psychiatry

康复医学科  Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

皮肤科性病科  Department of Dermatology and Venereology

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