巴黎当地时间4月15日傍晚,这座已经在塞纳河畔伫立了800多年的天主教堂突然起火,大火持续了几个小时。巴黎圣母院发言人说这场火几乎烧光了一切,无一幸免。("Everything is burning, nothing will remain from the flame.”)
1. The cathedral receives almost 13m visitors each year, more than the Eiffel Tower.
2. Built in the 12th and 13th Centuries, it was currently undergoing major renovations.
3. The roof, which appears to have been heavily damaged by the blaze, is made mostly of wood.
BBC记者评论说:“望着我们民族的化身焚毁,这种悲痛,无论如何描述都不为过。”(It is impossible to overstate how shocking it is to watch such an enduring embodiment of our country burn.)
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