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Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks 建立商标图形要素国际分类维也纳协定

Vienna Agreement for the Protection of Type Faces and their International Deposit 印刷字体保护及其国际保存维也纳协定

WIPO 世界知识产权组织

withdrawal of an application 撤回申请

witness 证人

working of a patent 实施专利

World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知识产权组这

WPI 世界专利索引

World Patent Index 世界专利索引

reference was made to Aricle 1 引用第一条

regarding claim 2 as not being supported by 关于权利要求2不被…支持

first please refer to claim 2 which state 先参照权利要求 2,其表明

the point of this discussion is that 此次讨论的要点是….

regarding something , please refer to … 关于…请参考

for claim 1, I would suggest adding… 建议在权利要求1加入

the question is must we add st.in sb 问题是我们必须在…中加入…

the reason we prefer to … 我们提到的理由

to avoide narrowing or wilding claim 1 避免缩小或扩大权利要求1

so that the infringer would only have to 侵权者只须

Would you please advise how we can process in this question 请指示我们怎样处理该问题

to optimize our protection for the application 使对申请的保护合理

claim1 was refected as being predictable 可以预料权利要求1可以恢复

on the basic of document1 在文件1的基础上,基于文件1

common sense, known technical solution 公知,已知的技术方案

please note none of these teachings in D1 请注意在对比文件1中没有该提示

even remotely suggest that 即使间接的建议

enable st shape to vary as a function of position 使某物的形状作为位置函数变化

thereby providing a st. 因此,提供一个…

this is particular relevant to D1 which teach us st. 这一点与对比文件尤其相关,它告诉我们…

vague generalized discussion in D1 含混的,泛泛的讨论

the difference over D1 is quite clear and while 相对于D1的不同是很明显的

claim 1 is rejected on the basis that 根据…驳回权利要求1

additional features don’t work to resolve question 附加的特征也不能解决问题

over D1 in view of D2 对比D1并结合D2

claimed subject matter 要求保护的主题

claimed features 要求保护的特征

none of the prior art of record anticipates … 记录在案的现有技术并没有预见到…

clain 1and 2 have noveity under PCT Article 33(2) respectively 根据33条第二款权利要求都具有新颖性

may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure contained 不得超出原说明书和权利要求书的范围

in the initial specification and clainms

content of the application as originally filed 原始申请的内容

take the view of (that) 采取…观点

fall under (doing business ) 落入(商业方法)

subject matter claimed 要求保护的主题

technical contribution to the state of the art 对现有技术的贡献

the protection sought should be indicated 要求保护的内容应当在权利要求中-

in the claims by technical features 利用技术特征来表示

to delimite (defined) the scope of protection 限定了保护范围

to enlarge the scope of protection 扩大了保护范围

to narrow the scope of protection 缩小了保护范围

to be fulfill the requirment of clarity 满足清晰的要求

claim to a product 产品权利要求

claim to a method 方法权利要求

omnibus claims 多项权利要求

reference signs 标号

essential features (all features which were necessary for solving the techical problem with which the application was concerned had to be regarded as essential features ) 必要技术特征(解决与申请相关的技术问题必须的所有的技术特征)

Maintenance fee 年费

electronic funds transfer (EFT), credit card or deposit account 电子信贷转移,信用卡或存储账户支付方法

pertaining to (payment method) 关于

payments by credit card and payments by deposit account 信用卡或存储账户支付

fully complied with 完全遵守

if the benefits thereof are desired. 得到其中的便利

be paid in advance 预先交

permits maintenance fees to be adjusted 允许年费

to be adjusted every year on October 1 每年的10月一日调整

reflect any fluctuations during the previous 12 months 反映根据由劳动部确定的

in the Consumer Price Index as determined 前12个月的

by the Secretary of Labor 消费价格指数的波动

sets forth the time periods 指定时间期限

referred to generally as the “window period,” 一般称为“窗口期”

The last day is the same day of the month the patent 窗口期的最后一天是专利授权后的

was granted 3 years and 6 months, 7 years and 6 months, 3年零6个月,7年零6个月

or 11 years and 6 months after grant of the patent. 和11年零6个月的授权当月的同一日。

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