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时 间:2020-02-16 13:06:30   摘自:浙江省人民政府外事办公室

  近日, 浙江省人民政府新闻办公室在新闻发布会上通报了全省疫情防控和复工复产方面的相关工作。





Briefing on Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP)Prevention and Control in Zhejiang Province

In the recent press conference held by the Information Office of the Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, latest updates were released regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) prevention and control efforts and the resumption of business in the province.

I. Despite a general stabilization, we still face a severe and complicated uphill battle against the epidemic. Zhejiang province will make timely adjustments to its prevention and control measures in light of the evolving situation, shifting from a lockdown approach to stringent and smart management. Concrete efforts will be made in a science-based and targeted manner to stamp out potential rebound of the epidemic.

II. As of today, we have supplies of food, feed and industrial materials that can last 114 days, and of cooking oil that can last 76 days. Price surge or supply shortage in rice, flour and cooking oil is unlikely to happen in the province.

III. As of Feb.13th, 24.3% of the major foreign-trade enterprises (254 out of 1045) in the province have resumed operation. CCPIT Zhejiang Provincial Committee has issued 302 force majeure certificates to 209 foreign-trade enterprises, with the total contractual value surpassing USD750 million, involving business deals with more than 70 countries and regions including the EU, the UK, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the UAE.


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