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  Every summer, I travel abroad with my family or my best friends. When the new term comes, I find that my oral English gets better. So I firmly believe the book is not the only source of knowledge.


  Every summer, I travel abroad with my family or my best friends. After returning from my trip, I find my oral English gets better. So I firmly believe reading books is not the only way of learning English; foreign travel also facilitates language learning.

  在写作中常见的连接词有"because, as, while, if, however, therefore, although, similarly, consequently, nevertheless"等。这类连接词大部分同学都比较熟悉,平时也经常用,但有一些连接词平时使用的时候要多注意。

  (1)不要混淆on the contrary / by contrast 

  On the contrary用来描述与前面提到的内容出现相反的情况。比如:

  There were, however, no US calls for the overthrow of successive Colombian governments. On the contrary, the US supported the Colombians with armaments, finance and goodwill.

  By contrast则用于两者的对比,比如:Rory is always on time for work. By contrast, Vicki is always late. 这里by contrast不能写成on the contrary

  (2)on the one hand…on the other hand

  On the one hand…on the other hand用于陈述两个相反的观点,而不是两个并列的观点(You use on the one hand to introduce the first of two contrasting points, facts, or ways of looking at something.),比如:

  On the one hand, if the body doesn't have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.


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