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  中国共产党the Communist Party of China (CPC)

  党员members of the Communist Party of China 

  中国工人阶级Chinese working class

  中国共产党章程Party Constitution

  中国共产主义青年团the Communist Youth League of China 


  党的纪律Party discipline

  申请入党者applicant for Party membership

  预备党员probationary Party member

  正式党员full Party member

  交党费pay membership

  党支部Party branch

  党小组Party cell

  党员领导干部Party cadres 

  民主生活会democratic meetings

  党龄a Party standing of ... years 


  Party Emblem and Flag

  中国共产党党徽为镰刀和锤头组成的图案The emblem of the Communist Party of China is a design of sickle and hammer.

  中国共产党党旗为旗面缀有金黄色党徽图案的红旗The flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag highlighted by a golden Party emblem on it.

  入党宣誓take an admission oath



  The oath reads: It is my will to join the Communist Party of China, uphold the Party's program, observe the provisions of the Party Constitution, fulfill a Party member's duties, carry out the Party's decisions, strictly observe Party discipline, guard Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism throughout my life, be ready at all times to sacrifice my all for the Party and the people, and never betray the Party.

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