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时 间:2019-06-29 23:06:57   杭州中译翻译有限公司·杭州滨江翻译公司·专业翻译机构

  6月28日,国家主席习近平在二十国集团领导人峰会(the G20 Summit)上就世界经济形势和贸易问题发表题为《携手共进,合力打造高质量世界经济》(Working Together to Build a High-Quality World Economy)的重要讲话。下面我们来看看有哪些重点吧。


  More will be done to open up the Chinese market wider.


  We will release the 2019 edition of the negative list on foreign investment. The focus will be on greater openness in the agriculture, mining, manufacturing and services sectors. We will set up six new pilot free trade zones and open a new section of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, and will speed up exploration of building a free trade port in Hainan province.

  2. 主动扩大进口

  Greater initiative will be demonstrated in expanding imports.


  We will further bring down China's overall tariff level, strive to remove non-tariff trade barriers, and slash institutional costs of imports. We will ensure the success of the Second China International Import Expo.

  3. 持续改善营商环境

  More steps will be taken to improve the business environment.


  In the new legal framework for foreign investment that is to take effect on 1 January next year, we will introduce a punitive compensation mechanism for intellectual property infringement cases and make the relevant civil and criminal laws more stringent to deliver better IP protection.

  4. 全面实施平等待遇

  Equal treatment will be extended to all foreign investment.


  We will lift all foreign investment restrictions beyond the negative list, and provide equal treatment to all types of businesses registered in China in the post-establishment phase. A complaint mechanism will be set up for foreign companies to air their grievances.

  5. 大力推动经贸谈判

  Greater efforts will be made to advance trade talks.


  We will push for an early conclusion of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and for faster progress in the negotiations on a China-EU investment agreement and a China-Japan-ROK free trade agreement.

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