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时 间:2019-06-28 23:11:32   杭州中译翻译有限公司·杭州滨江翻译公司·专业翻译机构


  The world is getting old, laden with such heavy love and nihilism. The lion in your songs is getting old too, still leaning affectionately against the childhood linden tree, unwilling to give in to sleep.


  Sleep may be desirable, when the past days are like layers of snow covering human misery and suffering. It may be as well to have flowers in one’s dream, when the lonely heart is still seeking green grass in the wilderness.


  Spring flowers bloom on winter nights, boiling tears freeze at the bottom of the lake. The world teaches us to hope, and disappoints us too. Our lives are the only thin sheet of paper we have, covered with frost and dust, sighs and shadows.


  We dream on the fragile paper—none the lighter for all its shortness and thinness. We grow trees in the dream that has been erased time and again, and return to them each time we feel sad.


I am listening to Winterreise on a spring night. Your hoarse voice is the dream in my dream, traveling along with winter and spring.

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