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时 间:2019-06-07 22:00:32   杭州中译翻译有限公司·杭州滨江翻译公司·专业翻译机构




  Conflict can only hurt both, and that cooperation is the only correct choice for both sides.


  Concerning their differences and frictions on the economic and trade front, China is willing to work together with the US to find solutions, and to reach a mutually beneficial and win-win agreement.


  Cooperation has to be based on principles. There are bottom lines in consultations. China will not compromise on major issues of principle. 


  In today’s globalized world, the Chinese and American economies are highly integrated and together constitute an entire industrial chain. The two economies are bound in a union that is mutually beneficial and win-win in nature. Equating a trade deficit to being taken advantage of is an error. 


  The latest US tariff hikes on China, far from resolving issues, will only make things worse for all sides. 


  Recently, the US administration imposed “long-arm jurisdiction” and sanctions against Huawei and other Chinese companies on the fabricated basis of national security, to which China is also firmly opposed.


  Since they were launched in February 2018, the economic and trade consultations have come a long way with the two sides agreeing on most parts of the deal. But the consultations have not been free of setbacks, each of them being the result of a US breach of consensus and commitments, and backtracking.


  Historical experience has proved that any attempt to force a deal through tactics such as smears, undermining and maximum pressure will only spoil the cooperative relationship. Historic opportunities will be missed.


  One prerequisite for a trade deal is that the US should remove all additional tariffs imposed on Chinese exports and China’s purchase of US goods should be realistic while ensuring that a proper balance in the text of the agreement is achieved to serve the common interests of both sides.


  China does not want a trade war, but it is not afraid of one and it will fight one if necessary. China’s position on this has never changed.


  The fundamental solution to economic and trade tensions is to grow stronger through reform and opening up.

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