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时 间:2024-09-30 09:36:01   杭州中译翻译有限公司质量管理部



The CPC's mission in a new era

The ultimate goal of the CPC since its founding over 90 years ago has always been the realization of communism. The CPC remains fully committed to China's national renewal. In his report to the 19th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping reaffirmed the Party’s mission in a new era to continue to pursue the Chinese Dream of national renewal. Such a focus is crucial for enhancing understanding among all Party members of what this mission entails and what is required of them to score a decisive victory in developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in a new era. Realizing the great Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation is no easy task. It calls for unrelenting commitment from all Party members. It requires steadfastness that responds to contemporary realities in our struggle, and in our efforts to develop the Party and advance our cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. These efforts are mutually complementary. Our dream can become a reality only when it is pursued in tandem with other efforts.

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