■ 白手起家 starting from scratch
■ 脱贫致富 cast (shake, throw) off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity
■ 拖欠工资 arrears of wage
■ 打白条 issue IOU
■ 夕阳产业 sunset industry
■ 效益工资 achievements-related wages; wages based on benefits
■ 信得过产品 trustworthy product
■ 新的经济增长点 new point for/ sources of economic growth
■ 虚开增值税发票 write false value added tax invoices
■ 亚太经济合作组织 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)
■ 亚洲金融危机 financial crisis in Asia
■ 沿海经济开发区 open coastal economic area
■ 以产定人,减员增效 employ workers in accordance with production needs and increase efficiency while reducing the staff
■ 以质量求生存、求发展、求效益 strive for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of quality
■ 以质量求发展 strategy of development through quality; win the market with quality products
■ 与国际市场接轨 integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market
■ 在孵(孵化器)企业 incubated enterprises (incubator)
■ 在建项目后续资金 additional funding for projects under construction
■ 增值税 value added tax(VAT)
■ 招财进宝 Money and treasures will be plentiful
■ 招商引资 attract/bid for/invite investments (from overseas)
■ 振兴经济 revitalize the economy
■ 政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏 Governments set up the stage, various departments cooperate and enterprise put in the show.
■ 知识经济 knowledge-based economy
■ 知识经济 knowledge economy , knowledge-base economy
■ 重合同、守信用的原则 the principle of equality and mutual benefit and “honoring contracts and standing by reputation”
■ 重合同,守信用 abide by contracts and keep one’s words; honor credit and promise
■ 专利产品,仿冒必究 patented product(s), counterfeiting not allowed
■ 保持国民经济发展的良好势头 maintain a good momentum of growth
■ 第二产业 secondary industry
■ 第三产业 tertiary industry; service sector
■ 点子公司 consultancy company
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