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时 间:2020-02-18 20:24:38   杭州中译翻译有限公司

酸雾 acid mist

低排放经济 a low-pollution economy

年气温 annual temperature

人工降雨 artificial rain

机动车尾气 automobile emissions

保护生物多样性 biodiversity conservation

碳收集与储存 carbon capture and storage

碳捕集 carbon capture

碳排放 carbon emissions

碳吸收 carbon sequestration

碳清单系统 carbon inventory system

碳汇 carbon sink

化学农药泄露 chemical pesticide leakage

清洁发展机制 clean development mechanism

燃煤电厂 coal-fired power plant

珊瑚白化 coral bleaching

去碳化 de-carbonization

森林砍伐和退化  deforestation and forest degradation

荒漠化 desertification

生态失衡 disruption of ecological balance

震级 earthquake magnitude

环保车 eco-friendly car

生态标志 eco-labeling

环境监测 environmental monitoring

环境风险 environmental risks

环境审核 environmental auditing

环境冲突 environmental warfare

环保产品 environment-friendly products

合理利用水源 efficient use of water resources

厄尔尼诺现象 El Nino

拉尼娜现象 La Nina


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