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时 间:2019-05-27 22:31:36   杭州中译翻译有限公司·杭州滨江翻译公司·专业翻译机构

face value 面值,票面

factory expenses 制造费用

factory planning 工厂计划

factory report 工厂报告

factory supplies 工厂供应品

facsimiles of authorized signatures 有权签字员样本

failed bank 破产银行

fair average quality 中等品质

fair average sample 平均中等样品

fair market value 公平市价

fair price 平价

fair trade 公平交易

fall(or become) due 到期(支票),期满

falling price 跌价

family size 家庭用特大号

farm produce 农产品

favorable balance 有利差额

favorable trade balance 出超

field service 就地服务

fill your order 供应订货

firm offer 肯定报价

financial analysis 财务分析

financial ability 财力

financial circle(world) 金融界,财经界

financial condition 财务状况

financial expense 财务费用

financial investigation 财务调查

financial position 财务状况

financial report 财务报告

financial statements 资产负债表

fine gold 纯金

finished goods 成品,制成品

finished product 制成品

firm offer 实盘

firm order 定期订货

firm price 固定价格

fire risk 火险

fire policy 火灾保险

fiscal year 会计年度

first quality 上等品质

fixed cost 固定成本

fixed prices 固定价格

fixed rate 固定率

floor price 底价,最低价

flour mill 面粉厂

fluctuation 物价波动,涨落

fluctuating market 变动市场

for account of 在某人帐上

for sale 廉价出售

foreign capital 外国资本

foreign currency 外币

foreign exchange 外汇

foreign exchange control 外汇管制

foreign exchange market 外汇市场

foreign exchange foreign exchange reserve 外汇准备

foreign mail 外国邮件

foreign trade 对外贸易

formal contract 正式合同

formal notice 正式通知

form of application 申请表

forward agent 运送经纪人

forward business 期货交易

forward exchange 远期汇兑


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