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时 间:2019-05-25 21:28:07   杭州中译翻译有限公司·杭州滨江翻译公司·专业翻译机构

岛形转向 Island Reversal

挟仓 Cornering the Market

损益表 Statement of Income

换马 Switching

斩仓 Stop Loss

热钱 Hot Money

现金户口 Cash Account

红股 Bonus Share

红筹股 Red Chip

红筹指数 Hang Seng China-Affilated Corporation Index

纯利 Net Profit

线形图 Line Chart

结算价 Final Settlement Price

综合财政报表 Consolidated Financial Statement

联交所 Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK)

联系汇率 Linked Exchange Rate

营业额 Turnover

蓝筹股 Blue Chip

认沽期权 Put Options

认股证 Warrants

认购期权 Call Options

证监会 Securities and Futures Commission (SFC)

负债比率 Debt Ratio

财务报表 Financial Statement

货币政策 Monetary Policy

货币发行局机制 Currency Board System

贴现率 Discount Rate

贴现窗 Discount Window

资本增值 Capital Gain

资本减值 Capital Loss

资产净值 Net Asset value (NAV)

资产负债表 Balance Sheet

转势 Reversal

银团贷款 Syndicated Loans

长方形 Rectangle

长期负债 Long-term Liabilities

长仓 Long Position

阴阳烛 Candlestick Chart

随机走势假设 Random Walk Hypothesis

随机走势理论 Random Walk Theory

随机指数 Stochastic

风险 Risk

风险溢价 Risk Premium

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