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时 间:2017-01-19 10:41:10   公章_合同专用章_发票专用章_财务专用章英文怎么翻译?


       1、公章---- company seal,corporate seal,Common seal

  来看Wikipedia对公章的定义:A company seal (sometimes referred to as the corporate seal or common seal) is an official seal used by a company. Company seals were predominantly used by companies in common law jurisdictions, although in modern times, most countries have abrogated the use of seals.

  company seal(或称“corporate seal”或“Common seal”)是一个公司的官方印章。Company seals在过去由公司按公共法规定所使用,当今世界多数国家已经不再使用印章。

  由此可见,公章有三种说法:company seal,corporate seal,Common seal

        2、合同专用章---Contract seal

  首先,按国际惯例,没有合同专用章这一说,老外只认签字不认章,故,合同专用章具有明显的中国特色。故,合同专用章可译成—Contract seal。尤其在国际贸易中,章子花样太多,怎能达到“单证相符,单单一致”?

  3、财务专用章---Seal of Finance Department

  此印章同样具有中国特色,若译成finance seal的话,估计会令来外很费解,故空空译成“Seal of Finance Department”

  4、法人名章--Legal representative seal

  法人是Legal representative,合同中若需要法人签字盖章时一般表示为“Legal representative (seal)”,故“法人名章”译成“Legal representative seal”。

        5、发票专用章---Invoice seal or “For Invoice Only”

  6、报关专用章---Seal for customs declaration

  7、汇票专用章---Seal for Bill of Exchang or Draft Seal

  8、业务专用章---Seal for business

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