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2017 Language Competitive Examinations
时 间:2017-01-12 09:39:16   杭州中译翻译有限公司·专业杭州翻译服务机构·滨江区翻译公司

The Department for General Assembly and Conference Management is pleased to announce three upcoming Language Competitive Examinations (LCEs):

♦ A combined competitive examination for English-language translators/précis-writers, editors, verbatim reporters and copy preparers/proofreaders/production editors

♦ A combined competitive examination for Chinese-language translators, editors, verbatim reporters and copy preparers/proofreaders/production editors

♦ A combined competitive examination for French-language translators/précis-writers, editors, verbatim reporters and copy preparers/proofreaders/production editors

The LCEs will be held remotely in two parts:

♦ Part 1 of the English combined LCE will comprise four papers (general translation; specialized translation from different official languages; summary writing; editing)

♦ Part 1 of the other two combined LCEs will comprise three papers (general translation; specialized translation; technical translation or translation from a different official language)

♦ Part 2 of all the combined LCEs will include a proctored translation exercise, possibly additional proctored exercises (e.g. revision/editing) and a competency-based interview.

The tentative dates for Part 1 are, respectively:

♦ English - 3 April 2017

♦ Chinese - 25 April 2017

♦ French - 23 May 2017Follow us on Twitter (@unlanguage) to get the latest updates.

The LCEs will be announced on the UN Careers portal in the coming weeks.

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