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时 间:2024-10-16 10:35:16   杭州中译翻译有限公司质量管理部




Supporting the non-public economy

In the 1970s, farmers in some rural areas, desperate to remedy the lack of daily necessities and find work for surplus labor force, invented "an all-round contract system." Residents in some cities also tried to set up their own small self-employed businesses. These voluntary actions won limited support from the central authorities.

After China began its reform and opening-up initiative, the CPC had a creative debate on the nature of socialism and how to build it, and allowed the non-public economy to grow. At its 13th National Congress in 1987, the Party decided to develop a market economy with central planning, with the public sector as the mainstay and the private sector as a necessary and beneficial supplement. In 1988 private enterprises found their legal status affirmed in the amendments to China's Constitution, and for the first time they were included in official statistics in 1989. Deng Xiaoping provided the theoretical reasoning behind the private economy in his south tour talks in early 1992.

At its 15th National Congress, the CPC upgraded the "supplementary" status of the non-public sector to "an important component" of China's socialist market economy. The 16th CPC National Congress committed to "consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy" and "encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector." The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee confirmed that public and non-public sectors were both key components of the socialist market economy, and important bases for China's economic and social development. The 19th CPC National Congress made further observations on supporting the development of the non-public sector in a new era.

During China's 40 years of reform and opening up, the non-public sector has grown out of nothing and kept expanding, with a boom in private investment. By early 2018, the non-public sector was generating 60 percent of China's GDP and more than 50 percent of its taxation, and providing 80 percent of total jobs.

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