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时 间:2024-10-12 10:14:49   杭州中译翻译有限公司质量管理部






Family planning as part of a national basic policy

Family planning is part of a national basic policy in China. It consists of specific measures that guide population planning. This policy was introduced in order to encourage citizens to postpone marriage and childbearing and reduce the number of children per couple as part of the strategy to control population growth and ensure that population growth would not outpace economic and social development.  

This policy has been implemented since the early 1970s. It was reaffirmed as part of a national policy in China at the 12th CPC National Congress in September 1982 and incorporated into China's constitution in December 1982. China's population and family planning law was adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress at its 25th session in December 2001. Family planning has allowed China to bring about an early historic shift in fertility patterns, effectively eased the pressure of population growth on resources and the environment, and greatly promoted economic development and social progress. The proper implementation of this basic policy has proven essential for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and building a prosperous country. It has also contributed significantly to global efforts to manage population and development issues.  

The dawn of the 21st century was witnessing a change in the demographic structure, with a shrinking working-age population and an increasing number of elderly people. Against this backdrop, the Party Central Committee made a decision on further reform in November 2013 to allow couples who were themselves only children to have a second child. An amendment to the population and family planning law was adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress in December 2015, and the across-the-board implementation of the two-child policy formally began on January 1, 2016. 

Population is a strategic issue that requires long-term, holistic thinking. Family planning will remain part of a national policy in China for the foreseeable future. Gradual adjustment will help improve the policy and ensure long-term balanced population growth.

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