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从严治党是中国共产党加强自身建设的一贯要求和优良传统。2014年12月,习近平总书记在江苏考察时,提出了“全面从严治党”的新要 求,把管党治党提到前所未有的新高度。所谓 “全面”,从内容上来说,就是要覆盖党的思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、反腐倡廉建设和制度建设这五个方面;从主体上来说,就是要覆盖到党的每一级组织、每一个党员。所谓“从严”,就是采用更严格的标准,对党员的要求比对普通民众的要求更严格,党的纪律要比其他团体更严明,党的规定要比一般法规更严格。它的重点在 于从严管理监督党的干部。全面从严治党,是新一届中央领导集体治国理政的鲜明特征。它既是“四个全面”战略布局的重要组成部分,又在其中处于关键地位,是其他“三个全面”顺利推进的重要保证。

An All-Out Effort to Enforce Strict Party Discipline

Strict discipline has always been part of a great tradition of the CPC. While visiting Jiangsu Province in December 2014, Xi Jinping called for an all-out effort to enforce strict discipline, placing new emphasis on the importance of regulating the Party’s own conduct. An “all-out” effort is meant to cover the five cornerstones of Party development, namely theoretical development, organizational readjustment, work practices, anti-corruption campaigns, and institutional arrangements, and apply to every CPC organization and every CPC member. “Strict” discipline subjects CPC members to higher standards, i.e. standards more demanding than the general laws and regulations applicable to non-Party citizens. The focus is to provide restraints on Party members who hold official positions, and keep their activities under rigorous scrutiny. An unwavering attention to strengthening Party discipline represents a defining feature of the current central leadership. As one of the components of the Four-pronged Strategy, the move to enforce discipline helps ensure progress in the other three areas.

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