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时 间:2023-09-15 10:28:18   杭州中译翻译有限公司质量管理部



The four features of China's economic conditions that remain unchanged

During a symposium in Jilin Province on July 17, 2015, Xi Jinping pointed out that four features of China's economic conditions remain unchanged. On November 18 of the same year, at the APEC CEO Summit, he once again spoke on this topic. These features are:

1. China's positive economic fundamentals and long-term trajectory;

2. the basic characteristics of strong resilience, great potential, and ample room for maneuver;

3. strong support and conditions favorable for continued growth;

4. positive progress in structural adjustment and upgrading of the economy.

This assessment confirms the current basic conditions and future trends of economic growth in China, and show its confidence in maintaining a medium-high rate of growth and its ability to do so.

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